You have the right to expect more from sex

7 April, 2021 – Male Escort Melbourne


You have the right to expect more from sex



All too often, I meet women who haven’t had good sex for a while – maybe they’ve been single, or maybe they’ve been in a relationship, or maybe they’ve (over the years) been in several relationships… many of those relationships, or sometimes even all of them, have not included good sex.


By this, I mean sex that leaves you feeling completely fulfilled, wonderful, vibrating, relaxed, and overwhelmingly satisfied.


As this TED talk below explains, it seems that, in general, while women are becoming more equal with men in terms of careers, salary, business and political opportunities, and many other other areas of life – the amount of equality in the bedroom hasn’t increased.


Unfortunately for generations there has been a gap in equality between men and women, and it’s time to bridge the gap. In all areas.


Ever since man ‘discovered’ the clitoris (and push on it like buttons in an elevator), it seems that there are too many men (millions in fact) that do not know how to please their female partner – or worse, choose not to educate themselves or listen to the needs of their partner.



It is cruel in a way that nature has most men ejaculating within five minutes, while women can take longer to orgasm – indeed, before orgasm, enjoy foreplay and a slow build-up. But it’s important for men to try to control their bodies, last longer, and make their lover feel great, while finding pleasure in union, not being focused on pleasure only for themselves.



A sexual relationship should never feel one-sided. Both partners should love how they interact, and both feel fulfilled.

If a man suffers from premature ejaculation, or erectile dysfunction, no matter how hard he trains his body and mind – there are still so many things he can do to please his lover! So many…



Women reading this – you need to know that if you are not being satisfied sexually, then you deserve more!


You deserve to feel equal, and not settle for less.


I like to make sure that I provide an uninhibited experience, for women to be able to feel pampered, nurtured, and looked after, to show them what they deserve.


When women raise their expectations of men, and their relationships, they can collectively show men that the game has changed, and demand to be treated equally in sex… and have men know that women are not just there for the pleasure of men…



And if there are any men reading this, Please, become committed to learning all you can, and finding ways to make your lover feel more fulfilled. Communicate with her, ask her what she wants. Find out what she wants.


Relationships should be equal. Equal in all ways, including equal pleasure during sex. You should both enjoy sex, just as much as finding pleasure with each other.


You deserve to be treasured. You deserve to have a lover that makes you feel amazing in every way. You have the right to expect pure pleasure, indulgence, and whatever you are looking for.


Don’t settle for anything less.






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