Male Escort Melbourne – December 24 2020
Seasons greetings!
Well, what a crazy year it’s been. I sometimes joke that I’m still only 32 years old, that I didn’t turn 33 this year, because this year wasn’t counted.
It’s been such a tough year for a lot of people – mostly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has changed life as we know it.
Thank goodness for multiple vaccines now having been developed, and starting to roll out into the new year. We still have to be very careful though, as it could take quite a while for the vaccinations to reach enough people to have a significant impact on this virus.
We are lucky here in Australia, compared to a lot of parts of the world. We’ve kept it under control with hard lockdowns. Which have been necessary, but have hurt a lot of people. Financially, emotionally, mentally. It has been a tough year.
Still, I am always an optimist, and I am always so grateful for every single day that we are blessed to be alive.
Let’s have a wonderful Christmas time, and New Year celebrations.. Even if it does mean you have to stay at home, or not be able to visit family and loved ones that you had planned to visit.
With the virus hotspot locations changing every day, a lot of people have had their festive plans thrown into disarray.
Not so long ago Melbourne had one of the hardest lockdowns in the world, and got the virus level down to zero.
Recently the New South Wales and Victoria border was reopened for the first time in quite a while.
And now with an outbreak in Northern beaches area of Sydney, travel from Sydney to Victoria is not permitted, and people in other areas of NSW need permits to come to Vic. And I don’t know what other state borders are doing, as it’s always changing as we have to respond to the virus.
Soon though, there will once again be no borders. We will get through this.
We are all one people, and sometimes we have to make sacrifices to protect everyone else. Let’s not let this stop us from being happy. Let’s not let this stop us from spreading love.
While this year has had a lot of downsides, it’s also had a lot of great things happen! To all the people in my life, and to the people I’ve met this year, Thankyou. To people I haven’t even met yet, I look forward to meeting you.
It’s been a wild ride, that’s for sure. There are lots of websites with ‘the best funny memes to sum up 2020’
On the bright side though, the people of America have realised that four years ago they voted in a racist, mysoginistic, narcissistic, psychopathic dictator, and they decided this time to vote him out. This gives me hope coming into 2020!
There are a lot of things that give me hope.
Let’s not let the crazy happenings of this year make us feel down. I’m sure next year will be better, but like I’ve said, every day is a blessing.
Let’s Live!
Lets’s Love!
Let’s be kind to others whenever we can.
Let’s be ourselves! Try new things! Grow, progress, explore, discover.
Let’s appreciate the beauty of life, every day.
And let’s not waste one second of being alive, because after all, it really is a beautiful world!
To all my family, friends, lovers, to everyone, I am wishing you all a Merry Christmas, and all the best for the New Year!

Hey Leo,
You’re a great guy and anyone who comes into your orbit is a blessed person.
Just reading your message made me wet.
Better go pleasure myself.
Six more sleeps. 🍆💦😸🔥