Male Escort Melbourne, 15 January 2020, Belle’s Secrets


Belle’s Secrets is a Fetish and Fantasy talk show that focuses on the BDSM community, all fetishes and kinks, as well as lots of things to do with the adult industry. 

The show is educational, quirky, funny, sexy, promotional and very naughty.. so join them, live, on their journey in the Adult Industry every Thursday 6pm AWST 10am UK on Youtube, or on Periscope.


It’s fun, cheeky, educational, and informative.


I was recently contacted and asked if I could be on the show, as the ‘Beau of the week,’ and of course I was delighted to be included in the show, as I love to support any shows that are educating people about the adult industry, and similar things.


If you’d like to see the episode that I was in, click below, and it starts at around 12 minutes in.


Please feel free to check out the other episodes of Belle’s Secrets, and subscribe to their videos if you’d like!


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