How to grow Water Lily plants in a dam that has yabbies living in it

30 October 2020 – Male Escort Melbourne


How to grow Water Lily plants in a dam that has yabbies living in it.


The Water Lilies, or Waterlilies, are a beautiful group of plants, of the genus Nymphaea.


With their lush green lilypad leaves, and beautiful flowers, a lot of cultures have revered water lilies as the flower of the Gods and Goddesses – From Ancient Egypt, to Ancient Greece, and beyond.


I feel that water lilies are such a special plant, and I always feel a Goddess-like energy coming from the plants and especially their flowers.


The pink water lily, with it’s Goddess energy, always reminds me of a Yoni – Sexy, special, sacred, wet, and with the most beautiful scent. I call it the Goddess flower.



I love gardening, and I love the water lily, and at home on the farm we have a fish pond full of them – Which actually, as they grow over the years, has became quite full – a massive tangled web of beauty!


So lately we’ve been taking pieces of water lilies out, to sell them; so that other people can enjoy their beauty in their own garden ponds.


Though one thing I’ve always wanted to do was to establish the water lily plants in a dam on our property, as I think that would look quite spectacular! As well as also contributing to the rich aquatic ecosystem of the dam.


The one thing is, I did try years ago placing a single water lily tuber in the dam – buried it in the dam floor, in about a metre depth of water.. And it grew one leaf up, two leaves, and more, and then a flower and then… It disappeared. And I found that it had been eaten by yabbies!


Meet Cherax destructor, the common Australian yabby, found in most dams and waterways across Australia – These crafty crustaceans are opportunistic and eat just about anything, plant or animal, and so made a feast of the waterlilies before they could get proper established.


So I’ve done a bit of research, and I came up with this idea of how to get waterlilies established in a dam that has yabbies living in it. And when I was home at the farm one evening, I thought to prepare this project, and why not share it with you.



Maybe not what you might expect to read about in a male escort blog, but hey, I like to share things that I love, and this is one thing that I love.




What you’ll need:


Water lilies


Potting media (I used crushed gravel, a bit more solid than potting mix or soil)

Fertiliser (I used pig and sheep manure)

Wire mesh (Bird Aviary wire mesh from Bunnings works a treat!)







First cut around the water lilies with a shovel, and separate as many clumps, or tubers, as you want to use.

That’s if they have formed a big entangled web. If you already have them in pots, take them out of the pots if they are overgrown, and split them into smaller clumps.

Or, if you are starting out with water lily tubers you’ve bought, then they’re already ready to go.





Now it’s time to prepare the pots. Place your media (preferably a mix that is quite firm, like the crushed gravel that I used) into the bottom of the pots.


Then I placed in each pot, a few good chunks of pig manure, and sheep manure.

Water lilies are heavy feeders, so this will ensure maximum growth, and help them to establish quicker.


Next put the water lily clumps into the pot, and put more media to fill the pot to the top; and bury them good and proper. Now we’re ready to put the wire mesh around them, to protect them from the yabbies!


Roll the wire mesh around the pot, forming a ‘dome’ for the plants to grow into. They can fill this area, protected from yabbies, before expanding through the wire mesh, as their roots reach through the bottom of the pot, and into the dam bed. This takes time of course; and they will need protection for at least twelve months.


Use tin-snips to cut the mesh, and then use wire to stitch it together, and tighten, especially around the base, until the plants are all sealed in.



Now we’re ready to place them into the dam. Gently dig a small hole in the ground under the water, to place the base of the pot in, to stabilise it.

And wah-lah! We’ve finished!



Now sit back, and watch your beautiful Goddess plant grow!


And hopefully, this plan will work and they can not just grow inside the wire mesh ‘dome’- but also be able to become established in the dam, to the point where the yabbies and other creatures can nibble them, and also use their beautiful lilypad leaves for shelter. While creating so much beauty!


I’ll keep you updated on how they go!


One thought on “How to grow Water Lily plants in a dam that has yabbies living in it

  1. Love water Lilly’s have white ones in. My creek. Along with fresh water fish and eels. It is so peace full around the creek. Love and happiness Leo Donna.

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