Do you want to be a star? You probably are…
13 June 2015
Almost all of us, at some time or another, have dreamed of being a star.
Maybe more so when we were young, had a naïve view of the world, and had not yet determined what to do with our lives.
We would see or hear about sports personalities, or famous singers, or actors or actresses who all seemed to live charmed lives. They seemed to have everything—fame, money and all of the trappings of a seriously successful life—and, naturally, many of us aspired to be just like them.
If you think back, more than likely, at some point in your life you thought: Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could just trade places with [name] for a day or so, to see how it really feels to be a star and how they live?
Then, as we matured, other things caught our attention and, perhaps, we began to focus on a career or a family. We also learned that being a very public star in the media or cinema or the sports world is not for everyone—and can, in fact, be overly challenging and often highly stressful, especially if you have to live every moment of your life in the glare of fame. After all, no matter, even famous people are people (profound but true)!
Yet, the point that many of us overlook is that even in the relatively ordinary day to day lives that most of us live, we can be stars.We can be famous and well appreciated by those that we know. We can be stars to our family, our children or close friends or colleagues.
After all, think about all of the joy and happiness you have brought to your parents as you were growing up; learning to speak, read, doing well at school, possibly even performing in a school play or two, or maybe playing a musical instrument. You are almost certainly a star to them.
Then think about your children, the way you’ve helped them learn and understand about life; encouraged them to study, play sports, interact with people. You are a star to them too.
What about your partner or close friends or work colleagues? How many times have you helped them, been there for them; maybe assisting them through their bad times, sharing and enjoying the good times? If you ask one or some of them, and I’m sure you probably won’t, it may well be that many of them recognise your star qualities.
So, and I’m sure you will agree, it’s not necessary to be famous or rich; outrageous or extrovert to be a star. Carry on with what you have been doing, be helpful, respectful and show compassion to people—and you can be as big a star as anyone else on this planet!
“When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson