28 November 2019 | Male Escort Melbourne
The Vagina is a beautiful, magical, wonderful part of the body.
When I talk about the Vagina, I am talking about the whole thing – every part of that area. The vulva, the clitoris, the labia, the vagina.
The Sanskrit word for Vagina is Yoni – Meaning ‘Sacred space.’ And your Vagina sure is sacred.
Whether you call it your Yoni, your Pussy, your Vagina, love mound, vajayjay, punani, lady bits, or maybe you even use the word cunt now and then.. It’s important to realise that your vagina is a part of You, that needs to be, and deserves to be, nurtured, and loved.
I actually quite like the word Vagina. What can I say, it rolls off the tongue.
“Every woman is wired differently. Some women’s nerves branch more in the vagina; other women’s nerves branch more in the clitoris. Some branch a great deal in the perineum, or at the mouth of the cervix. That accounts for some of the differences in female sexual response.”
― Naomi Wolf, Vagina
If you are lucky enough to have a vagina, you should treasure it. Your vagina is a work of art. Every vagina is beautiful, in its individuality.
Your Vagina has the power to let you experience complete bliss, love, and, with the right partner, Sacred Sex. It has the power to bring new life into the world, and bring men to their knees.
“The clitoris is pure in purpose. It is the only organ in the body designed purely for pleasure.”
― Eve Ensler, The Vagina Monologues
Your Vagina lets you feast on a world full of pleasures, feelings, and experiences that no man could ever have.
You can explore, grow, discover, and delight. When you are completely in tune with your sexuality, and your Vagina, you can live and love life so much more fully, and completely.
If you don’t pay enough attention to your pussy; If you feel that your kitty has been neglected – you can start right now, to rectify that, and in turn start to make every area of your life better.
Touch it. Go on, do it now. Feel what it feels like under your fingers, feel every detail, every fold, the texture, the softness. The wetness.
Feel the raw, pure beauty. Acknowledge it.
Appreciate it.
Your Vagina is Yours! No one else’s. It’s yours, and you get to decide what you do with it, how you nurture it, how you let yourself express your feelings.
Love it.
Love Your Vagina.
It is a part of you, and it is amazing.
You deserve to feel amazing, and to feel nurtured, whole, and complete in every way.
It is
“I say grab a mirror and play along. Get in there. Learn about it. You’re supposed to treat it like the beautiful flower that is, the delicate flower that it is. And you’re supposed to nurture it in all the ways that it needs nurturing,” she told Chelsea Handler. “[You should be] watering it. Fertilising it. It needs nourishment. It’s hungry.”
― Cameron Diaz, talking about the vagina