24 November 2019 | Male Escort Melbourne
Going back as far as the early 1940’s when modern research on sex started, right the way to the 21st century, It has unfortunately been proven that men have more sexual satisfaction than women. As a matter of fact, men get orgasms close to 95 percent of the time, and women, depending on the statistics you see online, have orgasms anywhere between 50 to 75 percent of the time, or even less.
These reports tell us something. Which is that a large number of women are not having a great and healthy sexual experience. I believe that this is unacceptable! The importance of a great sex life for women should not be undermined. Psychotherapists have found sex to improve your life psychologically, mentally, and health-wise in general. Sex can be the cure-all!
Don’t feel something is wrong with you if you do not have a healthy sex life. You are not alone, and hey the great thing is that your sexual experience can be changed and improved upon. Here are three things you need to do to have a happier and healthier sex life.
It is actually surprising how a lot of women are not confident in the way they look or feel about their bodies. You need to realise that if you don’t love your body, you are going to have problems loving sex. Understand that you do not need to have the ”perfect” body of a model you see in magazines or on TV to turn a Man “ON”. A large number of men’s intimate fantasies and tastes in women do not follow that description. Being confident in yourself is attractive. Even if you’re not confident in yourself, taking that step to become more confident in yourself is sexy!
Communication is quite important to a healthy sex life. According to Dr. Marilyn Glanville, nutritionist and author of “Natural health bible for women”: “Relationship troubles can contribute to loss of sexual desire”. If you feel your partner does not respect you, or listen to you… If you feel you don’t have an important place in his heart… Then it is only natural to be sexually disconnected from him. It is important for you to build an emotional connection with your partner, and COMMUNICATE.
This way, anger is expressed in places other than the bedroom.
A lot of women, and men, do not realise or tend to play down the seriousness of stress to sexual libido. Let me just state that from research, stress plays a huge role in libido reduction. The elements our body needs to generate stress hormones are the same elements that are used to generate sex hormones. You need to know that your body will give priority to producing stress hormones over anything else, if you are stressed.
Stress hormones are designed to protect us, to keep us from danger when it actually comes. At that moment sex is the last thing on your mind! Hence we need to do everything possible to reduce the amount of stress we face at work and at home.
Try to relax your muscles and nerves, exercise, eat healthy, and try to get as much sleep as possible. Doing all these will go a long way towards you having a happy and healthy sex life.