Your Male Courtesan For Women

7 August 2020 | Male Escort Melbourne What is a courtesan relationship? From the Renaissance on, European kings and noblemen often kept a courtesan, that is, a woman with whom they had a relationship but were not married to. The courtesan got her name quite literally from the royal court where she lived. […]
Touching Base, with Touching Base

17 July 2020 | Male Escort Melbourne I’ve wrote before about Sex and Disability, and about a workshop I was attending in November last year (way back before the current Coronavirus pandemic, when we could still safely go places, and do stuff..). I’d meant to write a blog about the day, but I forgot, so here I […]
Hot Stone Massage Therapy

9 July 2020 | Male Escort Melbourne Maybe you are tired, overworked, or a bit stressed, and feel like a massage. Maybe you are neither of the above, but just feel like a massage! A massage can be the perfect way to relax, unwind, and recharge your mind, body, and soul. […]
Covid-19 July 2 Update

2 July 2020 | Male Escort Melbourne Covid-19 July 2 Update I know you probably don’t want to hear more about the COVID-19 virus – As it’s all over the news – But for good reason! We need to do our best to slow down the spread of the virus, so our […]
Birthday Surprise

28 June 2020 | Male Escort Melbourne Would you like to book me for your birthday? If so, unfortunately for Mabel, I’d make sure to show up at the right house…. LOL 😉