Leo Dale

Covid-19 July 2 Update

2 July 2020 | Male Escort Melbourne


Covid-19 July 2 Update


I know you probably don’t want to hear more about the COVID-19 virus – As it’s all over the news – But for good reason!


We need to do our best to slow down the spread of the virus, so our health systems can cope with it, and so we can help to reduce the amount of people who lose their lives. Every life is important, and we must all play our part in slowing, preventing, and ultimately stopping the spread of this deadly disease.


None of us are truly safe until a vaccination is found, and widely dispersed.


Or until a reliable treatment is found, to prevent deaths from the disease.


There has recently been some (potentially) exciting news. Dexamethasone  Could potentially reduce COVID-19 deaths by a third, of those requiring intensive care.


But the remaining two thirds is still too many deaths.


We need to continue to take this seriously, obey current restrictions, and continue to keep the coronavirus transmission rate here in Australia as low as possible.


And there are new drugs being researched and looked into every day, around the world. We have to hope aw can find a solution. I’m always an optimist, so I think we can.


We might all eventually get COVID-19… But if so, we can’t just let it spread like wildfire, or it will cause many deaths. We need to keep the pandemic Under Control, until a 100% vaccine or treatment can come about.


It doesn’t mean you can’t do anything.


It means you should Always wash your hands.


Ideally have a thermometer to check your own temperature often, and check temperature of people you come into contact with.


Maintain social distance, it’s not that hard.


Obey current restrictions. The government is not trying to control us. They are trying to protect us.


No politicians want to make these decisions, and place these restrictions on us. But it’s for the greater good, and we don’t want the COVID-19 pandemic to become as dangerous as it has in a lot of other countries.


Victoria currently has fifteen patients in hospital with COVID-19, and two people in intensive care.


I don’t know about you, but I would not like to require intensive care.. Or would never like for a loved one, or any fellow Australian to be in intensive care, when it can be avoided.


We need to be as careful as we can. Please, we must all play our part in slowing the spread.. And hopefully completely stopping the spread.


***Please note, Dexamethasone was reported in the last week or so to be a potential treatment. Not to be confused with donald trump’s hydroxychloroquine – Which actually kills COVID-19 patients, and increases rates of sudden death in those who use it as a preventative.


It is important to take this seriously. Back at the start of the pandemic, I cancelled a lot of bookings, and didn’t work for quite a while. States also placed restrictions on escorts and the adult industry for quite a while, and these have recently been relaxed.


I make sure to be as safe as I can be, and I carry a thermometer with me to bookings, to scan your forehead, and scan mine, just to make sure we don’t have temperatures!


I measure my own temperature each day too, and if I were to have any symptoms I would cancel all bookings, and take a COVID-19 test. I’d stay at home if I had it, until the test showed negative.


Though I don’t plan on getting it – We all have to be prepared, and take every measure we can to prevent the spread.


Please, take the current global health situation seriously, be safe, and let’s get through this together.

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Leo Dale

Male Escort Blogger

Hi, I’m Leo, a Full-time Male Escort from Melbourne Victoria, with over 11+ years of experience in the “Making Women Happy” field

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