Leo Dale

Why still no face photo?

2 June 2019 | Male Escort Melbourne


You might be wondering why I don’t show a photo of my face. Why does this Love Doctor guy have his logo on his photos, to cover most of his face? 



I’ve wrote a blog a few years ago about why I don’t have photos of my face on my website, and the reason for that is simple – That I value not only my privacy, but more importantly the privacy of my clients.



It’s not the case at all that I keep my identity a secret from those who don’t need to know, because I’m ashamed of what I do, or would think people may think differently of me – on the contrary, I’m proud to do what I do, and be your male escort for women, Leo The Love Doctor.


The main reason I don’t show my face online is because I value the privacy of my clients, and I am very discreet.


I have quite a few high profile clients, and if they may be in public with me anywhere – say for a coffee date, a movie, a dinner party, or any other event, they don’t need everyone to know that they are with an escort. They should have the choice, and right to keep private what they want to keep private.


Of course I’m not as well known as a television celebrity – Like Leonardo Dicaprio, Russell Crowe, or even Grant Denyer 😉 – But I am quite well known and if I did have a photo of my face on my website, after a while I’d be having people recognising me everywhere I go. And that wouldn’t be good for my clients privacy. 


When someone books me, they know they are getting complete discretion and privacy, in every way.


Some escorts choose to have their face visible online, and that is completely their call. Some choose not to, and that’s completely their call as well, for whatever reasons they may choose to remain anonymous.


I understand it can be hard to choose to see someone in such an intimate way, without seeing a photo of their whole face. Though it can also be sexy, and fun, to have that little bit of mystery, can’t it?


And in just over ten years of being your male companion, I haven’t yet met anyone who was the slightest bit unimpressed with my appearance. 


So, a little bit of mystery it is… 



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Leo Dale

Male Escort Blogger

Hi, I’m Leo, a Full-time Male Escort from Melbourne Victoria, with over 11+ years of experience in the “Making Women Happy” field

I love to write about all sorts of things, so feel free to look around and read through whatever articles take spike your interest.

Leo The Love Doctor



Male Escort for women, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia