Leo Dale

Don’t let age be a limit!

29 May 2019 | Male Escort Melbourne


One thing I believe, is that we should not let age be a limit to what we want to do, be, or accomplish.


Age is just a number, and you’re only as old as you think you are!



I don’t pay attention to age at all, as it doesn’t matter how old you are.



If you may be feeling older, as though you’ve ‘missed your chance’ to do what you want to do, or be what you want to be, well guess what, you haven’t missed your chance. You can decide to feel young again now!


Regular exercise is a great way to feel energised, and it does wonders for your overall health and fitness.


Keeping active, with work, hobbies, and interests, is always great. It keeps you feeling young and active.


Keep your mind and body active, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.


Having a purpose, goals, things you want to accomplish, always gives you a reason to keep striving to achieve your best, no matter what age you are.


And Intimacy and Sex are great ways to keep you feeling young, energised, and awesome!


There are many ways to enjoy life, at whatever age you are!


I love keeping active, exercising, having goals, and feeling energised and awesome. Sure, I’m 31 years old at the moment, so you could say ‘I’m in my prime’ but I plan on staying that way. No matter how many years pass, I want to stay as fit and active as I can, for as long as I can.


You should too!


Why not? Life is too delicious to waste one bite.


No matter what age you are, it’s never too late to Live!



Mick Jagger excites fans, showing that 

he’s still got his dance moves,

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Leo Dale

Male Escort Blogger

Hi, I’m Leo, a Full-time Male Escort from Melbourne Victoria, with over 11+ years of experience in the “Making Women Happy” field

I love to write about all sorts of things, so feel free to look around and read through whatever articles take spike your interest.

Leo The Love Doctor



Male Escort for women, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia