28 April 2020 | Male Escort Melbourne
Sometimes life can throw us curve-balls, randomness, and unfortunate events and circumstances.
In everyday life, there can always be things that get us down, and make us feel not so good. All of these things can be much less noticeable and worrisome, if you have a positive attitude.
Having a positive attitude helps you to see things in a different light, and makes life much more fun.
Not only that, having a positive attitude puts positive vibes out into the universe, and attracts better circumstances – Rather than having a negative attitude, which will bring you not so good circumstances.
Then there are things like this coronavirus pandemic.. Things that are just completely unfair, random, terrible, and can affect anyone. It affects everyone.. Even if we are lucky enough to not get sick, it’s putting people out of work, affecting people’s mental health, and changing the world as we know it.
The important thing to know though, is that things will be okay.
No matter what’s going on in life, as bad as things get, remember, things will get better.
It’s all about knowing that things will be okay, and being able to see the positive in things. To relax a bit.
Like Father Bob.
This is Father Bob, one of my pugs, and he is keeping his cool through all this. Chillin’ like a megavillain.
I love all of my babies so much, and Father Bob knows it.
And he knows that things will be okay.
We’ve got this.
As hard as life gets, it always gets better.
“This, too, will pass.”
– Eckhart Tolle
Father Bob is in mighty fine form…