Leo Dale

Slight fee increase

Slight fee increase

10 April 2016
It’s been a long time coming, and I’ve tried to avoid it as I know the general cost of living these days can sometimes be a bit much, and I like to be affordable – but it’s time that the engagement fees for some of my services have had to slightly increase. While my rates have increased slightly a few months ago, these new rates will come into place on May 1st.
It may be hard for some people, it may mean you might have to put away a little more in your ‘Happy Jar’ and save up a bit.. So you can still enjoy the time to be pampered that you deserve.
The updated prices can be seen at my 
Engagement fees page, by clicking here. 
While the general cost of living these days can be hard at times – sometimes it can be so rewarding to just spend some money on yourself, and have some ‘me’ time. Come on, treat yourself.. You won’t regret it.            




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Leo Dale

Male Escort Blogger

Hi, I’m Leo, a Full-time Male Escort from Melbourne Victoria, with over 11+ years of experience in the “Making Women Happy” field

I love to write about all sorts of things, so feel free to look around and read through whatever articles take spike your interest.

Leo The Love Doctor



Male Escort for women, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia