19 November 2020 – Male Escort Melbourne
As you know if you’ve read my blog a little, I always make sure to get a complete sexual health checkup every three months, for your peace of mind, as well as mine.
A few days ago I got my latest test results, and they were all clear of course. I’ve been a bit too busy to blog about it until now, so here we are!
In more than eleven years as your exlusive companion, I’ve never got any std’s. And I plan on keeping it that way.
So you can be assured that whatever we may get up to on our date… You are completely safe with me.
Let’s not take our health for granted, it is such a blessing. And I plan on staying as safe as I can be, and keeping you safe as well.
You are in safe hands with me – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. I feel honoured to see you, and I promise you are always safe with me.
And no, of course I don’t expect us to wear masks when we are being intimate – I just thought the photo looked appropriate considering the current pandemic – Though Please, Please, Please continue to wear masks when you can, social distance, and practise excellent hygiene.