Male Escort Melbourne – 13 May 2022
It’s finally Friday night and the long week is over. You can’t wait to go home, unwind, and just… relax. Your partner has already planned everything in advance and the stage is set – the wine, the flowers, the scented candles, not to forget the sensual music. Everything is just perfect and you slowly begin to get in the mood, and just when you ‘get down to business’, poof! All the different sensations and pleasure seem to vanish into thin air as you just have ONE thing on your mind – when will I come? Or worse, will I come?
It’s more about the journey than the destination
Instead of enjoying the journey and all the amazing ways your sweetheart is pleasing you, your mind is just focused on the finishing line – orgasm. If you were to really look at it, isn’t this sad, especially considering it’s something that will last a couple of minutes at the maximum? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against orgasms or the pleasure that comes with them—it’s one of the most satisfying and rewarding sights ever when I know I’m the reason for the woman in front of me revelling in ecstasy.
And I’m sure you will orgasm when you’re with me, and that’s a promise.
However, orgasm, trust me, is just one of the many, many phenomenal parts of sex. Pleasure is the key. The most common and disheartening mistake that almost everyone makes is equating pleasure and orgasm – courtesy mainstream media.
It’s amazing how much the mainstream media and movies influence us
In the majority of movies, whether X-Rated or A-Rated, you’ll see both the partners reaching orgasm a couple of minutes apart by the end of the session. This kind of an idealistic and unrealistic portrayal of sex and intimacy is what influences us, and kind of sets the pedestal on what good sex is supposed to be like—and I assure you, with my extensive experience with women from all walks of life and the insights that I have—This is quite far from the reality.
Orgasm and pleasure [don’t] go hand-in-hand
Though orgasm does lead to pleasure, the latter is so much more than just orgasm.
The key is to completely enjoy the whole journey, not just the final destination.
I once saw a documentary about a guy that really loved fishing, and went out to lakes in the wilderness, and sat in his canoe, and just spent hours fishing. He said sometimes he would go out all day and not even catch fish, but he just loved fishing. The peacefulness, of relaxing and contemplating life.
He said that for him the fishing was about fishing – not always catching fish all the time. That if it was all about the catching, then they wouldn’t call it fishing, they’d call it catching.
While this is a bit of a different analogy to use in a blog about sex – it makes sense. If sex was all about the cumming, then we wouldn’t call it sex, we’d call it cumming.
It’s about enjoying all of sex, from the kisses, and skin against skin, to every thrust, lick, and touch.
Though while easy enough to say all of this, unfortunately it can often be hard for the average woman to be completely fulfilled.
As, even though we are in the 21st century, it seems as if around at least 92 percent of men think that sex is all about cumming.
It’s a race to the finish line, the horse bolts and then.. six minutes in and it’s ‘game over.’
On average, a male lasts eleven minutes. Hence the inspiration for the title of Paulo Coelho’s book, Eleven Minutes.
The woman, perhaps even you, is left feeling completely unfulfilled. And in time, you may decide to fake an orgasm each time, just so your partner feels that he is doing something right.
And because the sex gets boring, and you want it to be over.
You deserve better than this!
Hopefully talking about sex can make the males realise that they have to do more to please their lover.
There are just sooo many things to look out for and enjoy when it comes to sex and sensuality. A mere touch from your partner can give you pleasure, oral sex can give you pleasure, a sensual massage can give you pleasure, the doorway to amazing sex – foreplay can give you pleasure, and roleplay can arouse you and give you pleasure. The list is limitless and is only limited by your imagination.
Do you want or need an orgasm?
Again, at the risk of sounding repetitive, I’m not against orgasm in itself—I’m against the narrative built around it. On these lines, when you think about orgasm, assess whether you feel you need it or you want it. Both the scenarios might sound similar but they couldn’t be more contrasting.
The same thing applies to your companion as well – do they need it or they want it? Is it the paramount goal that you both absolutely need to achieve or is it something that’s good to have but otherwise as well it’s fine? Try to analyse this as well. Now this discussion brings me to another narrative – the pressure most women tend to feel to orgasm for making their partners feel satisfied—something that birthed the infamous words – fake it! And too many women, once they’ve got into the habit of faking it, eventually don’t enjoy sex with their partner, and feel like they are just waiting for them to orgasm.
The climax is, it’s one thing to want to make your special person feel satisfied in sex (and there’s nothing wrong with that), but it’s another thing altogether to pressure yourself into feeling something or ‘fake’ achieving an orgasm just so your companion feels good about themselves. This is unhealthy.
Girl, you deserve as much pleasure as the person that’s with you! Learn when to draw the line between self-pleasure and the urge to satisfy the one in front of you—and you’ll discover pleasures you never even knew existed.