Newspaper article
3 May 2018
The news comes to us in all forms these days; on television, the radio, as well as the internet, including social media. Our phone can ‘ping’ in our pocket, with new pieces of news at any time of day, wherever we are! We are rarely disconnected from what’s going on in the world, if we choose to look at it. And sometimes even if we don’t choose to look at it, we still become exposed to news.
That’s all well and good, but sometimes there’s nothing like sitting down and reading the newspaper. Whether it’s over a morning coffee, or any other time of the day, it’s great to be able to catch up on what’s going on around the world, and in your local community.
With all this digital world going on, and everything being available online, I still see a place for newspaper into the future. It’s a completely different experience to be able to hold the newspaper, turning the pages as you read it, rather than to see it all online, on computers, phones, and tablets. Of course it’s all about balance, and there’s nothing wrong with engaging with news on the intenet either!
I like to read the newspaper when I can, and keep abreast of all types of news, issues, interesting stories, and current affairs. I think it’s important to know what’s going on in the world from day to day, and week to week.
And hey, whether you read news online, or in print, sometimes you don’t know what you might find…